World Wildlife day: protecting wildlife and protecting ecological security
Release Time:03.03.2020 Posted by:group headquarter

Background knowledge:

On March 3, 1973, plenipotentiaries of 21 countries participating in the World Wildlife Congress signed the Convention on international trade in endangered species of Wild Fauna and flora, namely cites convention. In 2013, the 16th conference of the parties to cites convention designated March 3 of each year as "World Wildlife day".

The theme of World Wildlife day 2020 is "maintaining all life on earth".

China is one of the countries with the richest biodiversity in the world. (Photo by Lei Xiaoyong)

△There are 398 species of endangered vertebrates in China, accounting for 7.7% of all vertebrates. (Photo by Li Sheng)


March 3, 2020 is the Seventh World Wildlife day.

Novel coronavirus infection is now being fought in all China and the world. This public security crisis has also given us a deeper understanding of the significance of wildlife protection.

Wild animals live in the wild and can carry a large number of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. At present, 1415 kinds of human pathogens have been confirmed, and about 61% of them are zoonoses. Most of the pathogens come from wild animals.

On February 9, 2020, Professor Chen Huanchun, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, said that 78% of the new human infectious diseases are related to or originated from wild animals. The spread of AIDS, Ebola disease, plague, SARS, SARS, avian influenza, Lyme disease, monkeypox, Nipah virus, Hendra disease, West Nile fever and other diseases are closely related to wild animals.

The results showed that SARS coronavirus originated from the recombinant virus in bats


In general, it is difficult for people to contact wild animals, and the pathogens carried by wild animals are difficult to infect human beings. However, killing, transporting and eating wild animals lead to the spread and outbreak of many diseases.

In China, illegal wildlife trading is an illegal trading network composed of individuals or illegal traders. Wildlife poachers are often found in the mountains and mountains. Some people peddle these "booty" near the highway or transport them to the nearby markets for sale; in some markets, there are illegal traders who purchase and sell wild animals through illegal channels to transport wild animals to restaurants, restaurants and other processing places.

The illegal trade of wild animals and the activities of hunting and poaching have laid hidden dangers for public health and safety, and the number of wild animals has decreased sharply, and many wild animals are on the verge of extinction! Yellow breasted bunting and Chinese Pangolin are typical examples, which run counter to the construction of ecological civilization and cause irreparable loss to biodiversity and environment.

△ migratory birds killed by bird nets (Photo by Wang Jianmin)

△A white headed hard tailed duck shot by a catapult

△The hairy crested deer killed by poaching

△Delta blue sheep

△Delta parchment


On February 24, 2020, the 16th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress adopted a decision on banning illegal wildlife trading, getting rid of the bad habits of eating wild animals, and ensuring the life, health and safety of the people. Hunting, trading, transportation and eating of terrestrial wild animals are prohibited. The revision of wildlife protection law has been put on the agenda.

A few days ago, the Alashan see foundation has formally submitted to the law working committee of the National People's Congress the top ten focal points of the revision of the 2020 wild Protection Law -- Alashan see amendment proposal. We will continue to pay attention to and promote the revision and improvement of the wildlife protection law.

On March 3, the wild animals and plants of Alashan will not be consumed together!

project plan

We plan to carry out the following actions to build a national wildlife protection and supervision network to promote the harmonious relationship between man and nature:

·Collect the historical information about illegal hunting, trading and consumption of wild animals, and comprehensively understand the current situation of illegal consumption of wild animals.

·Public supervision should be carried out in at least five cities, and non-governmental organizations should be supported to investigate and supervise the consumption of illegal wild animals, so as to promote the formation of social supervision network.

·Cooperate with the wildlife authorities to carry out capacity building and law enforcement training for wildlife law enforcement personnel, so as to promote the level of law enforcement.

·Publicity and advocacy should be carried out to help the public establish a correct concept of wildlife protection.

At present, the project has been launched on the platform of "Tencent public welfare" and "Sina micro public welfare" and raised funds for the public. Recognition of QR code can participate, looking forward to your support!

△ Tencent's participation in public welfare

△Micro public welfare participation mode of sina

Protecting wildlife

It's about protecting ourselves

wildlife consumption ban

Combating illegal consumption of wildlife

Start with you and me!
